Getting that first $10,000 deal can seem like a tremendously big challenge!
Hello there! I’m very pleased that you’re interested in coming to check out our next live real estate investing training event in St. Louis.
I started my career as a real estate investor in St Louis in 1991. I understand. Getting that first $10,000 deal – or having a repeat success of an earlier deal – can seem like a tremendously big challenge.
And while I don’t have an event scheduled in St. Louis as of right now, I will be posting one very soon!
And maybe this is your situation as well. What attendees of my live real estate events learn is a key insight that makes every kind of real estate deal possible. With this insight, they’re able to make that first $10,000 deal and more in no time.
When you offer your contact details above, you can be one of the first to find out when I’m in St. Louis next.