Laura Alamery

Perhaps it’s no surprise that nationally known real estate investment mentor Laura Alamery has looked to light houses dotting our coastlines as models for how she’s helping people start new careers, gain financial independence, and provide for their families.
These beacons have been sources of security, safety, and a guide through rough waters and difficult times. Likewise, Laura has been this beacon for thousands of students who have looked to her for guidance as they cast lines for new careers in real estate investing.
For more than 30 years she has built her own real estate portfolio, but more important has guided her students through recessions, layoffs, divorces, and the challenges of starting new careers. Laura has done this with a no-nonsense approach stressing that hard work, focus, and commitment can result in success and financial security.
How is she different from others?
Well, she has built a career in real estate investing in locations spanning Hawaii, the Midwest, and South Florida. Her personal travails allow her to understand your challenges. Laura has truly walked in your shoes.
Raised in Vicenza, Italy, Laura pursued her education in Hawaii and began a lucrative real estate career. As a student at Hawaii Pacific University, she became interested in real estate. In 1987, Laura was a multi-million-dollar producer. Her career took off when she and her family moved to the “mainland” in Missouri. Following in the footsteps of numerous mentors, Laura assembled a large and lucrative investment portfolio on a part-time basis.
During this time, while raising a young family, she secured her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Business Administration. She also took the step many of her students are considering. As a mother of four, Laura did the unthinkable and left a secure position in Corporate America to launch a full-time career in real estate investing.
The young family left the Midwest and headed to Fort Lauderdale. The rest, as they say, is history.
Her clients are unanimous in praising her compassion, practical strategies, and friendship that extend well beyond her seminars. Whether it’s navigating the current healthcare crisis, the fluctuations in the economy, or a personal crisis, Laura is there for her students.

While other coaches have “jumped ship” during tough times, Laura has provided students with the confidence and skills to navigate all conditions.
We hope you’ll let Laura be your “beacon”.

Liz Klingseisen
Liz Klingseisen completes the dynamic mother/daughter team of with a passion that matches that of her mother.
As a single mother, she, too, has weathered personal storms and has emerged financially independent through her successful career in real estate investing. Liz, along with her mother, are now bringing their skills to help a growing list of students hoping to escape from Corporate America and find new careers that provide flexibility, security, and self-esteem.

In many ways, Liz’s career in real estate investing mirrors that of her mother’s. With a passion for helping others, she secured a Medical Assistant Diploma. While rewarding, this career wasn’t going to provide sufficient financial stability or the flexibility she wanted as a single mother.
Liz followed in her mother’s footsteps, leaving a secure medical position for the unknowns of an entrepreneurial career in real estate.
As a Millenial, Liz is fully aware of the needs of this generation. They look at jobs and careers differently than their predecessors. They are willing to trade the prestigious corner office for professions that have other rewards. Liz finds that her Millenial colleagues are extremely tech-savvy, enjoy working remotely, and, most importantly, are willing to take risks.
Like her mother, Liz has traveled this road with success and commitment.